Frequently asked questions

If you do not find the information you are looking for please contact us via our Contact us page. Alternatively call our U.K. support line on 07446 721 145; our main office hours are from 8:00 - 16.30 hrs Monday to Friday, but you will often find your call is answered in the evenings and weekends until 22.00 hrs. Out of hours, do leave a message with your name and telephone number, including dialling code and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
We would suggest that 60 days is a fair trial of FX menopause for first time users. Most of our first time users have reported noticing improvements within 30 days.
Our human studies have identified many benefits, the most common being increased energy, improved sleep, improved emotional well-being and significant improvement in skin tone and texture, particularly on the face.
After only 3 months, we advise that you do not stop completely as the benefits may stop, but over time reduce your intake.
Note: It is normal for the first few months intake to be higher than that needed for long term maintenance of well-being.
For perimenopause, with fairly regular periods: One capsule a day.
When perimenopausal with periods 2 to 4 months apart: One capsule, twice a day.
When, menopausal with no period for 4 months or more, postmenopausal and after a hysterectomy: One capsule, three times a day. See our Value pack for an alternative intake.
The key to noting benefits lies in ensuring you have the right intake for you as an individual. Once you have been taking FX menopause for a few months and the benefits have kicked in, you should be able to reduce the start-up intake.
Users have reported positive synergistic effects when taking FX menopause in conjunction with vitamins and minerals such as Magnesium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E and /or Evening Primrose Oil/Starflower Oil. Please see our Vitamins, minerals and active botanicals. Also, our vegetarian customers tend to need up to 30% less capsules than average, so there is a lot you can do simply via diet.
Yes, UIDs, such as the Mirena coil, do not have a whole body effect that may interact with FX menopause.
As a food supplement, there are no long term concerns; FX menopause has been independently tested to simulate the effects of multi year usage. No adverse effects were noted in any test conducted. We have many women who have been using our product continuously for over 5 years.
A very small number of women may experience some bloating/flatulence when first taking FX menopause. This is caused by intestinal bacteria reacting to the presence of certain types of carbohydrates, (oligosaccharides) such as those commonly found in beans. Of these women, most find that their body is able to adapt to the presence of these carbohydrates by introducing FX menopause gradually to their diet.
We always suggest users keep their GP routinely informed of all supplements that they take – we have GP data sheets available on request.
Yes. As with any dietary supplement, there is no reason why you should not be taking FX menopause, given that there are no contra-indications. If your periods are regular, you may only need 1 capsule a day.
FX menopause is safe to use if you are suffering with an underactive thyroid and are being prescribed thyroid medication, such as Levothyroxine. The supplement can also be used alongside Statins and Aspirin. FX menopause is not suitable for women on medication for low blood pressure or if BP is lower than 90/60, those with an over active thyroid or women receiving fertility treatments. We suggest that women on medication or who have any health condition should discuss including FX menopause in their diet with their GP - we have GP data sheets available on request.
Given that there are no contra-indications, allergies or the like, then there should be no reason why you should not try our product.
No. If you are pregnant or planning to start a family, please do not consume any phytoestrogens (supplements), including FX menopause as these affect your body's ability to maintain the required high hormone levels that are needed during pregnancy. If you have been taking FX menopause and find that you are pregnant, please stop the FX menopause.
No, FX menopause has no known effect on weight gain; each capsule contains 2.5 calories (3 capsules contain fewer carbohydrates than half a standard sized tomato). On the positive side, many users report that increased energy means that they want to do more. This obviously burns up more calories and helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Whilst FX menopause's components are extracts of conventional foods that have been routinely consumed by many generations of Asian families, there will be, as is the case with all food types, some intolerance by some individuals, often noticeable by gastrointestinal symptoms.
Prospective human studies have been conducted globally with consenting healthy females, since 2001. In 2003, we conducted a UK study of FX menopause, kindly supported by the Chronicle Group of Newspapers - please refer to Scientific & biomedical for further details. Independent hospital trials of FX menopause addressing the issues of safety and simulated the effects of long term consumption have also been undertaken. No adverse results were reported. In addition, since all the components of FX menopause have been routinely consumed by generations of families, we are confident of the safety of our product. It is akin to taking carrot capsules to avoid having to eat a bunch of carrots everyday, which would get fairly monotonous!
Please discuss this with your gynaecologist beforehand and certainly if you are taking any other medication. Once you have had your post operative check-up and your gynaecologist is satisfied, this would be a good time to start - we have GP data sheets available on request.
Clinical and scientific studies carried out in Japan, the United States and many other countries have shown that phytoestrogens interact with the oestrogen receptors in your body in a totally different manner from conventional HRT treatments. Independent hospital trials of FX menopause addressing the issues of safety and simulating the effects of long term consumption have been undertaken. No adverse results were reported.
It is unlikely that you will have to stop taking FX menopause as this works through a completely different pathway in your body. We would normally suggest taking your antibiotics at the prescribed times and leave an hour at least before you take FX menopause. However, we do suggest that you advise your GP/Specialist of all dietary supplements that you are taking and then any potential issues with other medication can be discussed with you should they arise.
Many consultants and anaesthetists prefer all supplements to be stopped prior to the operation. Please discuss this with your Consultant - we have GP data sheets available on request.
For maximum benefit, we recommend that you take FX menopause with food. It doesn't have to be a full meal - a piece of toast, yoghurt or fruit is fine.
The menopause is a natural event in our lives and can occur from the late 30s onwards. We know of women who have gone into the menopause for a number of months and then gone back to having regular periods again for a number of years. There is no “right” age to start taking our product and equally there is no “wrong” age – you will know when it’s right for you.
FX menopause contains natural plant oestrogens (phytoestrogens) extracted from mung beans, a food source that has been safely consumed in large quantities for many generations. Phytoestrogens are compounds with a similar structure to the hormone oestrogen. Once digested, these phytoestrogens can be used by your body, where they help to complement your own oestrogen levels.
FX menopause has been developed from research into conventional foods which have a long established history of dietary usage. The scientists were interested in identifying which components of these traditional foods could benefit women in their menopause years and beyond. As such, FX menopause represents a revolutionary therapy for women; consumer studies have demonstrated that it is effective for a large number of people, significantly improving the quality of their life, whilst maintaining a very good safety ratio, as you would expect from food.
It is not advisable to take FX menopause alongside medicinal HRT (patches, tablets, implants etc). You will have to decide whether you would prefer to use HRT or FX menopause. However, localised hormone therapy in the form of vaginal creams, pessaries, etc should not cause any issues; please discuss this with your GP or Consultant - we have GP data sheets available on request.
We would normally suggest leaving a "wash-out" period of around 2 weeks before starting with FX menopause.
Nutrition FX has been developing FX menopause since the commencement of human trials in 2002. Throughout we have maintained its compliance with the appropriate regulatory food and health authorities. FX menopause is manufactured to pharmaceutical grade standards and each batch is tested for efficacy and safety, conforming to the standards imposed by the country’s regulatory authorities, that safeguards public confidence in the quality, safety and efficacy of all health care products. Many of our first time users hear about us from existing satisfied customers, no doubt the best form of endorsement!
FX menopause contains extracts of mung beans which have been commonly eaten in large quantities for many generations. No genetically modified crops are used and it does not contain either artificial flavourings or preservatives. Production and packing comply with GMP (pharmaceutical grade) standards and each batch is tested for efficacy, heavy metals and microbial content.
FX menopause does not contain any soy products, so there is no need to be concerned.
Don't forget; If you do not find the information you are looking for please contact us via our Contact us page. Alternatively call our U.K. support line on 07446 721 145; our main office hours are from 8:00 - 16.30 hrs Monday to Friday, but you will often find your call is answered in the evenings and weekends until 22.00 hrs. Out of hours, do leave a message with your name and telephone number, including dialling code and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.