Wishing you a New Year filled with happiness and success!

Our 2025 / 2026 stock is now available. Thank you for your patience.

"I am so pleased with this product it has changed my life, I can go to lessons without flushing and am able to go out and have a meal without flushing."

"This product is worth every penny. Thank you so much."

"I was extremely sceptical. Now I highly recommend it for any doubters."

"Ordered the starter pack 3 months ago and am massively impressed with the result!"

"I have been taking FX Menopause for about 6 weeks now, hot flushes have stopped."

FX menopause 3™ allows you to conveniently increase your intake of naturally occurring plant estrogens. These phytoestrogens, sourced from conventional Asian foods, may significantly improve your well-being before, during and after menopause.

Women who include additional phytoestrogens in their diet independently report experiencing increased menopause well-being, reduced lethargy, improved emotional well-being and sleep.

The development of Nutrition FX menopause: Our search for an effective alternative to conventional HRT began over two decades ago, with research into traditional Asian diets. Through this, a number of elements were found that effectively offset the unwelcome effects of menopause.

By advancing our formulation over the years and by adding important active botanicals from Green Tea, we have, we believe, developed the best natural alternative to HRT: FX menopause 3

For direct help with your menopause, call our U.K. support line on 07446 721 145 or email via our Contact us page.

Welcome to our 2021 website with a £2.00 discount on all products.

Latest feedback

This has changed my life. I experienced up to 28 flushes a day for 2 years and tried various treatments. I hated going to work. I work in a school and felt embarrassed in lessons because the kids would say, "Miss, you have gone red, and you are sweating." I would have been happy to stay at home all day every day. I discovered Nutrition FX and looked at the reviews. I thought, "How can anything work like that?" But being at the end of my tether, I ordered it. On the 1st day, I had as many flushes, but they didn't last as long. By day 3, they had reduced to just 3 a day, and by day 7, I was flush-free. This product changed my life—I can attend lessons and go out for a meal without flushing. It's worth every penny. Thank you so much. (Individual results may vary. Average time for notable well-being improvement: 21 days)


Learn more



What to do 

Diet and exercise 

Why phytoestrogens 

About us 

The following information is intended for health practitioners as defined in the medicines act 1968

Scientific & biomedical information 

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